Sunday 30 June 2013


Today was AWESOME! We've been canoeing, gorge walking, hill walking, death swing swinging, orienteering and lots more.... including chocolate cake eating. If you didn't know.... It's Paul's birthday! 
We've all had a fab day in our groups. In Mrs Tait's group Kate had a rocky start climbing Catbells, 'choosing' to spend more time on her bottom than her feet. Let's just say she was glad when it was over. However, she redeemed her self with an epic canoeing session where she and Mrs Tait beat all of the boys to the island!!! 

In Miss Bell's group the high ropes were the challenge of the day with Miya, Joe and Aaron reaching the very top! A fab achievement. We did the death swing too..... Miss Bell was first up of course!  We also went gorge walking and made a human dam which didn't last too long and we were pushed into the plunge pool below. Wet, wet, wet! 

In Miss Rawling's group the children also went canoeing which wasn't as successful as Mrs Tait's group. Rachel's and Katelyn got stuck in the shallow waters and were forced to abandon ship to retrieve their canoe. We got ice cream on the way back too. 

Back at centre we had tea and did some orienteering activities in the ground. We all sung HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Paul as he blew out the candles on his cake......Chocolate! We sat on the lawn and each had a slice- delicious! 

Can't wait for tomorrow..... Looking forward to seeing you all. We will hopefully arrive home around 5:30- 6:00 x

Love Year 6 x 


  1. Hi all,
    Pauls dad here. Sounds like an exhausting day on Saturday, all that canoeing & climbing!! WOW Paul, a chocolate cake for your birthday, how spoilt have you been!!!!!! I LOVE the pictures, it looks like a lot of fun over there! It also looks as though you have had nice weather for it too!! Anyway, have a great day today & we'll see you when you get back tonight!!
    All our love,
    Dad, Anona & of course as ever, baby Jack. XXXXXX

  2. Hi Year 6
    Sounds like you've all had a fantastic day. It's clear to see that Kate has overcome her fear of heights, unfortunately she's still terrified of falling. We are having safety ropes installed up the stairs.
    The canoeing sounds great no doubt powered on by Mrs Tait's competitive spirit.
    See you later today!
    Love Mam, Dad and Libs xxxx

  3. ah what a fantastic time you all seem to be having. PJ, looks like you had the best birthday ever. can't wait to see you today.

    All our love

    mam, paul Natalie and Emily x x x x x

  4. to Kate and year 6
    hope your having such fun
    we are (what I call)waiting for you to come home

    from Libby
